Thursday, June 2, 2011

Worse Than a Third Bush Term?

"Obama has not just stayed the course, he has stepped on the gas. He has vastly expanded the war in Afghanistan, upped the violence in Pakistan, continued the Bush path on Iraq, bombed Yemen and Somalia, and started a new war with Libya. On the civil liberties and human rights fronts, he has invoked the Espionage Act more than all earlier presidents combined, persecuted whistleblowers, covered up torturers, and abused habeas corpus and the Fourth Amendment as much as Bush. And surely bin Laden could have been found without these monstrous policies."

Read the rest here.


  1. I know of a Russian saying: "all politicians are whores".

    Rings truer by the day.

  2. You can't trust any words of politics these days =/

  3. i dont believe is as bad as he is made out to be

  4. nobama! by the way I would love to feature your blog!

  5. Obama might be a huge let down, but you can't compare him to the terribleness that was the Bush Administration.

  6. Admin - no, not overall, but in regards to war, maybe.

  7. why the war didn't stop since they got obama i mean osama and husein?

  8. i guess this is all opinion though raelly :P

  9. Politics; a waste of good air.

  10. Psshhhhshshh...he's WAY better than Bush.
    Not the greatest, but you can't bring him THAT low...

  11. He'd be doing a better job if he cut the bipartisan BS out. The Right is childish and won't attempt to help and The Left fights among itself.
