Thursday, June 9, 2011

U.S. Can't Justify Its Drug War Spending: New Reports

Name one government program that for 40 years has failed to achieve any of its goals, yet receives bigger and bigger budgets every year. If you said "the War on Drugs," you've been paying attention.

The Obama Administration is unable to show that the billions of dollar spent in the War On Drugs have significantly affected the flow of illicit substances into the United States, according to two government reports and outside experts.

The reports specifically criticize the government's growing use of U.S. contractors, which were paid more than $3 billion to train local prosecutors and police, help eradicate coca fields, and operate surveillance equipment in the battle against the expanding drug trade in Latin America over the past five years, reports Brian Bennett of the Los Angeles Times.

"We are wasting tax dollars and throwing money at a problem without even knowing what we are getting in return," said Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), who chairs the Senate subcommittee that wrote one of the reports, which was released on Wednesday.
"I think we have wasted our money hugely," said Bruce Bagley, an expert in U.S. anti-narcotics efforts. "The effort has had corrosive effects on every country it has touched," said Bagley, who chairs international studies at the University of Miami at Coral Gables, Florida.

Predictably, Obama Administration officials deny reports that U.S. efforts have failed to reduce drug production and smuggling in Latin America.

White House officials claim the expanding U.S. anti-drug effort occupies a "growing portion" of time for President Obama's national security team, even though it doesn't get many Congressional hearings or headlines.

The majority of wasted American counter-narcotics dollars are awarded to five big corporations: DynCorp, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, ITT and ARINC, according to the report for the contracting oversight committee, part of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

Counter-narcotics contract spending increased by 32 percent over the five-year period from $482 million in 2005 to $635 million in 2009. Falls Church, Va., based DynCorp got the biggest piece of the wasted pie, a whopping $1.1 billion.
Full article: here:


  1. Interesting. I like the idea that was done in Portuagal, I think. There is no such thig as an illegal drug there, and all types of crime and usage of narcotics has in fact gone down by significant number. The U.S. and world medias have, of course, ignored this story XD

  2. crazy shit ... nice read, keep it up!

  3. Ligalize it and there won't be a problem.

  4. even if you don't legalize, regulate it and put the money where it's needed.

  5. War on drugs, war on terror, $$$, $$$...

  6. Personally I think that, as long as it doesn't harm anyone else, adults should be able to do whatever the hell they want with their bodies.

    So, yeah, legalize it.
