Wednesday, June 8, 2011

CNN reveals Fukushima nuclear catastrophe "TWICE as bad" with "HOT particles reaching the USA" and now we "CAN'T RUN"

This is not political, per se, but it is interesting information about the ongoing crisis in Fukushima Japan.  What do you think?


  1. interesting tag words they have ay.

  2. Ofc is twice as bad as they say.. it's just to keep ppl from panicing

  3. Thanks for posting this info. It really sounds bad.

  4. Talk about sensational journalism

  5. LOL "There's a revolving chairs problem in the Japanese structure." ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME????? THE USA is full of that shit, Cheney working for Haliburton, Rumsfeld =Monsanto, Bush = Big Oil, Obama = WALLSTREET/Banks.

  6. That's just freaking great and of course nothing can be done about it......because it's not economically feasible. No its much more feasible to let it sit there poisoning untold millions of people. Sort of like the spill in the gulf. I love how trillions of dollars move around each year and yet we are "powerless" to clean up these messes. God bless humanity.

  7. Not sure what I think but I find it strange he is talking about washing vegetables when these particles are airborne. No mention of meausures to protect against the airborne "fleas".
